Lets Connect
Lets Connect, Collaborate, and Communicate
2731 Todd Rd
Whitehall, MI 49461
Hiring - 2024 Harvest+Market Crew!
I am currently hiring for seasonal harvest help + Saturday Market help. These positions can be split or combined! Hours will be minimal, yet consistent, with an opportunity for additional hours during mid-summer.
June 2024 - October 2024
Harvest help - Harvest help is a 1-3 day per week gig that includes helping with market harvests + washing and packing harvests for market. I won’t lie; harvest days are long and laborious, yet ever so lovely when spent amongst a great crew and a field of veggies!
Market Help - I will be attending 2 Saturday markets this season, and I unfortunately cannot be 2 places at once! I am in search of veggie lovers to join my market crew! This position includes market setup + sales. This is a fast-paced position that involves a great deal of smiling + Chatting - If you are a veggie-loving social butterfly, market is a true joy to work!
Positions Require -
Ability to work in all weather (rain, shine, and maybe even a bit of snow!)
Physically demanding - both positions require movement and lifting
A love for veggies!