Half Share CSA


Treat yourself to 8 weeks of fresh grown goodness this season! Half shares are distributed Weekly from June - September with pick up taking place ! CSA begins Wednesday June 18th and ends September 24th.

** Interested in a CSA Share, but facing financial barriers to being able to afford a share? Inquire about a CSA payment plan or subsidized CSA options! The Woven Trifecta advocates for food equity and strives to provide EVERYONE with the opportunity to enjoy our offerings!

2025 Pickup Options

Wednesdays - On Farm from 4pm-7pm

**NOTE: for the 2025 season, we are only offering on farm pick up!

More About CSA:

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is similar to buying a seasonal “share” into the farm, or could be compared to as a membership or subscription. This purchase typically takes place in late winter or early spring, and helps the farm to fund seasonal costs such as seeds, compost, new tools, as well as infrastructure + products during a time when the farm is not bringing in consistent revenue. The early season investment helps the farm get a successful start to the season!

The investment is then returned through a season of fresh farm food, distributed in weekly boxes called CSA shares. These shares offer a wide variety of in season produce harvested that week. A Woven CSA share typically includes between 6-12+ different items with each week holding a total value anywhere between $25-$75. CSA also offers additional perks such as:

  • An exclusive invite to a CSA celebration

  • 10% off the annual seedling sale

  • 10% off all Woven classes, workshops, and events

  • 10% off farm merch

  • A free copy of my CSA zine cookbook with recipes for all items grown on the farm!

What you can expect in your CSA:

There are over 50 varieties in the 2024 crop plan, with the goal of providing a very versatile CSA! You can expect mostly veggies, greens, and herbs, with the occasional fruit or value added product. CSA varieties and quantities are of course dependent on the growing season. With a decade of veggie growing experience, I am ready to confidently provide you abundant harvests of wide variety all season long!

This years goal is to offer:

1-2 bagged greens per week

1-2 bunched greens per week

1-2 microgreens per week

1-2 herbs per week

1-2 root crops per week

1-2 fruiting crops per week

1-2 storage crops (mid season)

**Fruit, honey, and other value added products as available

These of course are dependent on what mother nature throws our way, as well as the time of year. The start of CSA will look very green, mid summer will be colorful and packed to the brim, and fall will be a mix of greens, the last of our summer favorites, and storage crops!

An example CSA:

1 bag of spring mix

1 jazzy mix microgreen

1 bunch of lemon basil

1 bunch of tuscon kale

1 bunch of rainbow carrots

1 bunch of heirloom tomatoes

1 qt summer squash

1 pint spicy pepper mix

1 cucumber

2 heads of garlic

The early sale of a CSA is especially important to the success of the farm this season, as I continue to expand on permanent land . 2025 will require numerous investments in order to have a successful + sustainable season. The purchase of a CSA sale will help fund:

  • Running electricity/ Solar

  • Additional Infrastructure

  • Irrigation system

  • Purchasing seeds

  • Purchasing Compost

  • Tools + Materials

You’re support is beyond appreciated, and guaranteed to make this little farmer do a happy dance!

NOTE: CSA Shares are non-refundable. Shares that are not picked up are donated to a community member in need!

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Treat yourself to 8 weeks of fresh grown goodness this season! Half shares are distributed Weekly from June - September with pick up taking place ! CSA begins Wednesday June 18th and ends September 24th.

** Interested in a CSA Share, but facing financial barriers to being able to afford a share? Inquire about a CSA payment plan or subsidized CSA options! The Woven Trifecta advocates for food equity and strives to provide EVERYONE with the opportunity to enjoy our offerings!

2025 Pickup Options

Wednesdays - On Farm from 4pm-7pm

**NOTE: for the 2025 season, we are only offering on farm pick up!

More About CSA:

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is similar to buying a seasonal “share” into the farm, or could be compared to as a membership or subscription. This purchase typically takes place in late winter or early spring, and helps the farm to fund seasonal costs such as seeds, compost, new tools, as well as infrastructure + products during a time when the farm is not bringing in consistent revenue. The early season investment helps the farm get a successful start to the season!

The investment is then returned through a season of fresh farm food, distributed in weekly boxes called CSA shares. These shares offer a wide variety of in season produce harvested that week. A Woven CSA share typically includes between 6-12+ different items with each week holding a total value anywhere between $25-$75. CSA also offers additional perks such as:

  • An exclusive invite to a CSA celebration

  • 10% off the annual seedling sale

  • 10% off all Woven classes, workshops, and events

  • 10% off farm merch

  • A free copy of my CSA zine cookbook with recipes for all items grown on the farm!

What you can expect in your CSA:

There are over 50 varieties in the 2024 crop plan, with the goal of providing a very versatile CSA! You can expect mostly veggies, greens, and herbs, with the occasional fruit or value added product. CSA varieties and quantities are of course dependent on the growing season. With a decade of veggie growing experience, I am ready to confidently provide you abundant harvests of wide variety all season long!

This years goal is to offer:

1-2 bagged greens per week

1-2 bunched greens per week

1-2 microgreens per week

1-2 herbs per week

1-2 root crops per week

1-2 fruiting crops per week

1-2 storage crops (mid season)

**Fruit, honey, and other value added products as available

These of course are dependent on what mother nature throws our way, as well as the time of year. The start of CSA will look very green, mid summer will be colorful and packed to the brim, and fall will be a mix of greens, the last of our summer favorites, and storage crops!

An example CSA:

1 bag of spring mix

1 jazzy mix microgreen

1 bunch of lemon basil

1 bunch of tuscon kale

1 bunch of rainbow carrots

1 bunch of heirloom tomatoes

1 qt summer squash

1 pint spicy pepper mix

1 cucumber

2 heads of garlic

The early sale of a CSA is especially important to the success of the farm this season, as I continue to expand on permanent land . 2025 will require numerous investments in order to have a successful + sustainable season. The purchase of a CSA sale will help fund:

  • Running electricity/ Solar

  • Additional Infrastructure

  • Irrigation system

  • Purchasing seeds

  • Purchasing Compost

  • Tools + Materials

You’re support is beyond appreciated, and guaranteed to make this little farmer do a happy dance!

NOTE: CSA Shares are non-refundable. Shares that are not picked up are donated to a community member in need!

Treat yourself to 8 weeks of fresh grown goodness this season! Half shares are distributed Weekly from June - September with pick up taking place ! CSA begins Wednesday June 18th and ends September 24th.

** Interested in a CSA Share, but facing financial barriers to being able to afford a share? Inquire about a CSA payment plan or subsidized CSA options! The Woven Trifecta advocates for food equity and strives to provide EVERYONE with the opportunity to enjoy our offerings!

2025 Pickup Options

Wednesdays - On Farm from 4pm-7pm

**NOTE: for the 2025 season, we are only offering on farm pick up!

More About CSA:

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is similar to buying a seasonal “share” into the farm, or could be compared to as a membership or subscription. This purchase typically takes place in late winter or early spring, and helps the farm to fund seasonal costs such as seeds, compost, new tools, as well as infrastructure + products during a time when the farm is not bringing in consistent revenue. The early season investment helps the farm get a successful start to the season!

The investment is then returned through a season of fresh farm food, distributed in weekly boxes called CSA shares. These shares offer a wide variety of in season produce harvested that week. A Woven CSA share typically includes between 6-12+ different items with each week holding a total value anywhere between $25-$75. CSA also offers additional perks such as:

  • An exclusive invite to a CSA celebration

  • 10% off the annual seedling sale

  • 10% off all Woven classes, workshops, and events

  • 10% off farm merch

  • A free copy of my CSA zine cookbook with recipes for all items grown on the farm!

What you can expect in your CSA:

There are over 50 varieties in the 2024 crop plan, with the goal of providing a very versatile CSA! You can expect mostly veggies, greens, and herbs, with the occasional fruit or value added product. CSA varieties and quantities are of course dependent on the growing season. With a decade of veggie growing experience, I am ready to confidently provide you abundant harvests of wide variety all season long!

This years goal is to offer:

1-2 bagged greens per week

1-2 bunched greens per week

1-2 microgreens per week

1-2 herbs per week

1-2 root crops per week

1-2 fruiting crops per week

1-2 storage crops (mid season)

**Fruit, honey, and other value added products as available

These of course are dependent on what mother nature throws our way, as well as the time of year. The start of CSA will look very green, mid summer will be colorful and packed to the brim, and fall will be a mix of greens, the last of our summer favorites, and storage crops!

An example CSA:

1 bag of spring mix

1 jazzy mix microgreen

1 bunch of lemon basil

1 bunch of tuscon kale

1 bunch of rainbow carrots

1 bunch of heirloom tomatoes

1 qt summer squash

1 pint spicy pepper mix

1 cucumber

2 heads of garlic

The early sale of a CSA is especially important to the success of the farm this season, as I continue to expand on permanent land . 2025 will require numerous investments in order to have a successful + sustainable season. The purchase of a CSA sale will help fund:

  • Running electricity/ Solar

  • Additional Infrastructure

  • Irrigation system

  • Purchasing seeds

  • Purchasing Compost

  • Tools + Materials

You’re support is beyond appreciated, and guaranteed to make this little farmer do a happy dance!

NOTE: CSA Shares are non-refundable. Shares that are not picked up are donated to a community member in need!