Farm Fresh Fragrance


This past season I took a stroll through the Rose bushes and dreamed of smelling as fresh and delightful as those beautiful, abundant blooms.Nothing quite touches the magical scent of a fragrant rose, and after giving up scented lotions and soaps awhile back, I accepted the fate that I would smell a bit boring for the rest of my days (or a bit like dirt and sweat after those long days in the field )

BUT with a bit of inspiration, I harvested some rose petals, threw on my alchemy hat, and created the most delightful wearable fragrance!

We have:

Pure Rosa - a blend of pure rose petals that gives off ‘grandma’ notes (but in all of the best ways!)


-Rose Petals (Grown On Farm)

-Alcohol (USDA Organic Certified)


-Vitamin E Oil (USDA Organic Certified)


Vanilla Almond Juni-Rose - The most delightful blend of juniper and rose, with a touch of almond oil and infused with an old vanilla bean. This scent is CRISP, FRESH, and so so SWEET - I dream of smelling like it each and everyday!These creations are so incredibly fragrant that even I can hardly believe they are composed of only 3 ✨organic✨ ingredients.


-Rose Petals (Grown On Farm)

-Juniper (Farm Foraged)

-Vanilla Bean (USDA Certified Organic)

-Alcohol (USDA Organic Certified)


-Almond Oil (USDA Organic Certified)

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